A recent study shows that in the past three years an alarming number of children have been caught with narcotics. Even in primary school children have been caught with these illicit substances.
According to data collected by Education Queensland there was almost a thousand absences due to misconduct with illicit substances in 2014, 2015, and then over 1100 in 2016. Thirty-four incidents were with primary school children last year alone with the youngest student age 3. In 2016 the most common year for young people to get in trouble for illicit substances was year 10 with a total of 327 suspensions or expulsions.
Tracy Davis the spokesperson for Opposition Child Safety said: “There are children who are currently attending Queensland state schools who are either taking drugs or bringing drugs to school, which is wholly inappropriate.”
We parents, teachers, mentors need to get together and work as one to rid our children of these substances. Have a talk with your kids. Pay attention to the behaviour. Something has to give and stop this behaviour before it is too late.
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